We believe in reflection and formation as one of the powerful ways to transform the world, expressed through formal and informal education. In this section there are some articles and research that are produced by Outra Margem.
Our lectures cover diverse and broad themes, such as the Anthropocene, nature, colonialism, cultural plurality, indigenous peoples. And also brings the desire to carry out them alongside our partners, intellectuals and artists representing indigenous peoples. This is how we thought of some reflections that interest us, but we are also open to creating new proposals!
The creation of worlds: how to think of art as a space for transformation
In the creative processes we are always reinventing the way of communicating, bringing re-elaborations about time, space and language. In this discussion we think about how art can be a place of invention and even of translation between worlds. So we think of artistic action, not as a product-market, but as a suspension of time that helps us to create other ways of being alive.
duration: 2 hours
contemporary indigenous art
What is contemporary indigenous art, who are its representatives, how is it produced and circulated? The idea of this conversation is to understand how indigenous art has been building its own space, bringing different conceptions about presence and artistic language. But also how it has been building aesthetic and political notes that delve into the spiritual and nature relationship for all living beings.
duration: 2 hours
THE WORLD-BODY in metamorphosis
The ancestry of indigenous peoples has always shown us the connection between the world, all living species, the air we breathe, the water that circulates in rivers and in our bodies. From this thought, we propose to reflect on circular time as a way to expand our views on the BODY-WORLD, as a living organism that is in metamorphosis at all times.
duration: 2 hours
Our training can be short or long term; we are available to build other formats that are more aligned with your possibilities. Let's talk!
DIÁLOGOS ENTREMONDOS, an appreciation of indigenous peoples and human diversity
The DIÁLOGOS ENTREMUNDOS training was created with the desire to expand our views on human and non-human diversity as a power of life. This is how we value indigenous peoples in their cultural difference, but we also believe in their common perspectives in relation to nature, the collective, art, ancestry, etc. So many essential values that tensioned with the capitalist way of life make us ask about environmental and humanitarian crises. That's why a conversation "between worlds" to instigate us to reflect on who we are in the breadth of society and on what we want for our present and future existence. Duration: 13 classes of 3h / Total: 36h
For this discussion, we divided the course into thirteen meetings with the following subjects:
Who we are? Human and non-human diversity. Intercultural conversations: weaving knowledge. Brazil is us. Law is like graviola, it didn't fall to the ground, you have to hold it and pull it. Formation of the person and differentiated indigenous education. Gender and love. Epistemology of looting (Part I): The indigenous perspective on the world, nature and the Anthropocene. Epistemology of Looting (Part II): The exhausted world. Intercultural Conversations - Decolonization of knowledge. The world is one. Contemporary indigenous art. It's all of us!
AS. Different subjects in an interactive methodology will be dealt with in each meeting. Also, we wish to invite indigenous representatives to be with us talking about their perspectives.
TIME. We propose 3 hours for each meeting, completing a total of 36 hours/class. But of course we can think of other formats!
FOR WHOM. All people and institutions that want to reflect on human diversity and the relationship of indigenous peoples with the world. We also think about teachers who want to deepen this content in their classes.
NEEDS. We are very open to room formats. The ideal is to have audiovisual equipment and internet, but if this is not possible, we adapt. At the beginning of the course, participants will receive research material to learn about references and follow the training; and at the end we will deliver a statement confirming participation. The main thing for us is the presence of interested and willing participants for a good exchange!
Some links of interviews, works and thoughts produced by our partners:
‣ MITsp 2020 | Perspectivas Anticoloniais - Mesa 1
‣ Bate-papo com Ailton Krenak - Território Cultural
‣ Arte como construção de futuros possíveis – com Christian Dunker e Ailton Krenak
‣ Sesc - Seminário Arte da Palavra
‣ Itaú Cultural, Mekukradja. Podcasts. Naine Terena
‣ Revista Select. Vexoa Nós sabemos ou o que não sabemos
‣ Revista Continente. Naine Terena
‣ Sp Escola de Teatro - Território Culturais, Bate papo com Naine Terena
‣ Gama Revista. Arte e Política
‣ Revista Ihu. Ver em Camadas o Cruzamento dos mundos - entrevista com Jaider Esbell
‣ Revista Select - Arte Indígena Contemporânea e o grande mundo
‣ Arte Brasileiros. A arte não se desliga da vida
‣ Prêmio Pipa - Denilson Baniwa
‣ Revista Usina. Upurandu Resewara. Entrevista com Denilson Baniwa
‣ América Latina Contemporânea. Um celular ou um laptop não te torna menos indígena
‣ Macunaíma | Zahy Guajajara
‣ Vídeo Performance Aiku'è (R-existo)
‣ MITsp 2020 | Diálogos Transversais: "By Heart" com Zahy Guajajara
He is an indigenist with more than ten years of experience with the indigenous peoples of the Xingu watershed. Bachelor of Laws and Master of Anthropology from PUC-SP. Founder and current director of Instituto Maíra. Member of the ethnological research group at PUC-SP and of the scientific council of the academic journal Fim do Mundo (Unesp).